Postdoctoral Fellow Applications

The O’Sullivan lab is seeking post-doctoral fellows, preferably with strong backgrounds in cellular immunology. Applicants with backgrounds in genomics, molecular biology, computational biology and genome engineering who have a research interest in immunology are also encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a PhD or equivalent doctoral degree. The ideal candidate should have an excellent publication record, be able to provide evidence of the ability to work independently and in a team, and be prepared to supervise students and technicians. Please send a CV, three references, and a brief statement on research interests.

Graduate Student Applications

Students interested in the laboratory are encouraged to apply to the Immunity, Microbes, and Molecular Pathogenesis (IMMP) and Cell and Developmental Biology home areas within the Graduate Programs in Bioscience. Apply here.  We are currently recruiting graduate students.

Investor and Industry Inquiries

We are available for industry consulting and investment in development projects for CRISPR editing of primary human innate immune cells.